Stop Work to Stop Warming - How Your Business Can Support the Global Climate Strike


On September 20 and September 27, we can expect the next wave of global climate strikes to hit the streets of hundreds of major cities all over the world, in response to the lack of action by our world leaders to properly address the issue of human caused climate change and environmental degradation.

The Global School Strike for Climate movement is threat to the current system, and has therefore naturally attracted some harsh criticism from politicians, corporations and people who are heavily invested and reliant upon on the old system, but more importantly given hope to millions of people who have outgrown the decieving idea of ‘man vs nature’.

The side effects of the technological advancements of the past century are going to be difficult for our planet to recover from, especially within the ' limitless growth’ and consumption based economy we are still operating within. This movement is urging us to rethink every aspect of the way we make our living and the way we live together on this planet. Business as usual is no longer an option.

“We must rethink every aspect of the way we make our living, and and the way we live together on this planet”

Our children have led the climate strikes and are now asking all of us to join them. It is time to decide what side of history we want to be on. Showing our support is one way to start repaying the immeasurable debt we have have incurred, and will continue to incur on the future generations of all lifeforms to come.

There are many ways for your business or organisation to get involved, and it is a great way of showing that you care about more than just short term profit. Some are closing down their shops for a few hours on the day of the strike, but you could also host a workplace event, raise some funds or simply let your staff attend the rally with their kids. Click on the buttons below for downloadable posters and guidelines of how your business can support this historical day of people powered action. If you are doing this, make sure you let others know about it. For more information about the strikes, head over to
